Wednesday, January 25, 2017

I Struggle*d With Acne - This Is How I Fought back!

Mostly everyone I know has dealt with some sort of acne in their life, whether as a teenager, twenty something, or even in late adulthood. However, most people only get the occasional breakout, I however, had it BAD! I'm talking cystic acne (not cute). Which is the reason I wanted to create this blog, to teach and share my experience and hopefully help a couple people along the way. Below are my daily TOP FIVE that help me beat my acne once and for all! 

 1. Put down the DAIRY! 

  • I know ... I know ... but I can't begin to tell you the difference it made! 

 2. VEGGIES VEGGIES VEGGIES! (I Can't say it enough)

  • This is the one thing I hated! Had I known certain veggies would kill my acne from the inside out I would've been stuffing them down my throat a long time ago. Veggies that help with my skin are: Broccoli, Spinach, Kale, Yellow Peppers, Garlic. 

3. Stay away from the JUNK FOOD!

  • You know what I'm talking about .. stop eating junky processed foods, just stop! Stick to a clean diet! I LOVE ice cream, so I substituted my ice cream for frozen blueberries and made a sorbet. Do whatever works for you but just make sure to spend loads of time reading ingredients at your grocery store. 

4. Don't go crazy with a MILLION different skin products!

  • I went on every type of cleanser, topical solution, lotion ... you name it, I tried it! The funny thing is, is that the minute I backed away from all the harsh products the better my skin got (I'm talking texture too!). I recommend using a gentle face wash and apply a lotion that will not clog your pores (I use Cetaphil foaming face wash & Skinceuticals (hydrating B5 gel) as my go-to everyday). 

5. Keep a BALANCED Lifestyle!

  • I'm talking to the party animals and workaholics. It's like that quote from Death Becomes Her "You and your body are going to be together for a very long time, take care of it" Literally so true! Remember you have to find time to exercise and rest your body. I try and exercise every single day (even if its just a 30 minute workout in my bedroom) and usually will begin unwinding around 9 or 10 PM. 

Keep in mind that these are just suggestions and tips that worked for ME and MY skin. We all have different skin types BUT I do think most of these tips will help if not eliminate your acne. 

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